Fall Fruits and Vegetables

Everyone can benefit from eating more fruits and vegetables, as they provide us with a variety of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They are generally low calorie, making them a great choice as you continue to reach your weight loss goals through proper nutrition. Aim to include at least one serving of fruit or vegetables at each meal or snack.

When possible, I recommend eating fruits and vegetables that are in season. Eating seasonally means that fresh produce is purchased and eaten near the time that it was harvested. By doing this, it is often much tastier and fresher. It can also be more cost-effective and a great way to support local farmers. The list below includes a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are best harvested, purchased, and eaten in the fall:

  • Apples
  • Basil
  • Bell Peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Chives
  • Cilantro
  • Green Beans
  • Grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Kiwi
  • Lettuce
  • Lemons
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
  • Parsley
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Raspberries
  • Rosemary
  • Spinach
  • Winter Squash
  • Zucchini

My personal favorites (taste wise) include bell peppers, onions, and raspberries. Bell peppers come in several varieties and provide a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and potassium. Notably, the red bell pepper also contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Bell peppers are versatile in meals and snacks – eat them lightly sautéed as a side at lunch or dinner or raw as a snack with extra crunch.

Onions are a good source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, and manganese. Although preparing onions can cause tears due the sulfuric compounds present, chilling the onion before and cutting into the root end of the onion last may provide some relief. They come in red, yellow, and white varieties and each has a different flavor.

Raspberries are high in fiber, Vitamin C, manganese, copper, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Try adding raspberries to a low fat, plain Greek yogurt for a high protein, nutrient dense snack. Similarly, you can fill individual raspberries with or dip them into a low fat, plain Greek yogurt and freeze them for a sweet, healthy snack.

Remember: with your fruit and vegetable intake, it’s important to be consistent, add variety, and eat seasonally when possible. For a more extensive list of seasonal fruit and vegetables, visit here and here to read more.

Call 817-832-7227 to schedule your appointment and discuss your nutrition in detail.

Article provided by: Jessica Wiklund, MS, RD, LD • Registered Dietitian for Trinity Bariatric Institute, PLLC

Summer Eating Challenges

Summer is here with lots of beach and pool time.  Navigating the summer fun and making healthy eating choices can always be a challenge.  With schedules more relaxed and so many grilling nights, it is easy to make some unhealthy summer eating habits.  Whether you have undergone bariatric surgery or you are trying to watch your weight and looking into surgery, these tips can help you make healthy choices.

If you are heading out for a day trip at the lake, beach or pool and you don’t know what eating options will be available, pack your own cooler! Find out ahead of time whether the park or pool allows coolers or what food options are available.  This will help you plan and prepare instead of being stuck hungry with only fast food options.  Pack lots of handheld foods in your cooler such as carrot sticks, turkey, cheese cubes, grapes and bananas.  Healthy snack items such as protein bars (no sugar, low carb), protein drinks, nuts and low carb yogurt.  Make a lettuce wrapped sandwich with turkey, chicken or ham and cheese.  This is a nice cold and crisp snack that is satisfying and has good protein to keep you full longer.  Enjoy the outside; swimming and walking are great exercise!

Everyone loves to grill during the summer, if you are heading to a bbq these tips are for you.  Think about what you can bring to the table, something healthy that will ensure you can eat and enjoy yourself.  BBQ’s usually involve meat which is a great protein option.  You can even offer to bring your own chicken or healthy skewers.  If they are having burgers, ask for your burger lettuce wrapped with cheese.  This is a great low carb option that is very filling! You could also offer to bring a tossed green salad, a veggie tray with hummus or a fruit salad.

Enjoy the summer with your family while staying healthy! If you are ready to make a change now, schedule an appointment online today:


Happy National Doctors’ Day!

We are grateful for Dr. Dyslin and his amazing leadership. Thank you for providing the best care to our patients and community!